Visitor Management Post COVID-19.

Here at MediaBase Direct, it’s now our number one priority to provide safe visitor and staff check-in experiences for when organisations return from lockdown. We are dedicated to providing the tools and functionally for facilities to confidently manage visitor management, in a post-COVID-19 ‘reopen’ world. 

Our e-Reception Book, visitor management solution has been keeping visitors and employees safe since 2014, but with the new expectations and challenges awaiting, we have added several new features purpose-built to support organisations in this ‘new normal’ future. 

We have very much looked ahead to a post-COVID-19 world, thinking about how organisations will need to take many new preventative measures and also how best to protect their people (visitors, staff, contractors, pupils, residents etc). And, we admit, with all the uncertainty regarding COVID-19 and how reopening may look like and when it will happen, it might feel a long way out to start planning on how to open your facilities again.

But that’s exactly what we recommend organisations start doing, because going back to a normalised environment, returning to work, accepting visitors, is going to be a bigger adjustment than most think. One that will require new protocols and processes. There will be new expectations set and this most likely will include new government regulations. It’s going to be a challenge.

Your staff will want to know they can go back to a safe work environment where they won’t get sick, where they feel you are taking all the necessary precautions. Your visitors will also expect the same while visiting. Can you imagine re-opening to your visitor’s being happy that they have to write their names in a paper visitor book, using the same communal pen beside it? Can you imagine not having the ability to see in real-time who’s on-site and who you’ve let into your facilities? It’s common sense that visitor’s and staff will be expecting a touch-less check-in experience and that you will be required to have a much more definitive view of who’s been on-site. 

The ‘new normal’ is awaiting and with the e-Reception Book, we are ready to support you with the post-COVID-19 facility management challenges.

Contact Tracing 

The e-Reception Book provides a digital check-in experience for not only your visitor’s but can also be used to check-in staff, contractors, pupils (education) and residents (care). All check-in data is securely recorded and assessable via the real-time dashboard. The data is time-stamped, with entry and exit times being recorded with precision.

Contact tracing will be one of the key areas of a post-COVID-19 world. People will want to know and need to know if they’ve been in contact with someone that was later discovered to be ill. Accurately counting visitor and staff check-ins will also be essential to protect against overcrowding. 

Data will be critical for safety and it will be expected.

The e-Reception Book allows you to securely store all data indefinitely, meaning you can keep these accurate records for contact tracing obligations, while complying with data protection regulations, such as GDPR. We also provide you with the functionality to securely delete the data. 

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Touchless Check-in

We predict that touch-less check-in will be an absolute expectation from your visitor’s and staff. People will not want to use pens provided on desks or even touch an iPad screen, as used by many. 

With our upcoming ‘Receptionist’ feature, reception teams can check-in visitors, staff any other individual via the real-time dashboard. No iPad or paper visitor book is required. Similar to the hotel check-in experience, the reception teams can check-in individuals behind the scenes, whilst still having the powerful e-Reception Book features at their disposal, including automated email notifications/alerts, document signing, visitor photos. 

Unique to the e-Reception Book, facilities in the care sector can check-in/out residents and staff directly from the dashboard. For education, you can even check-in late-arriving pupils, with the information being sent directly to an MIS. 

With the e-Reception Book, pre-registered visitors are sent a QR code in their invitation email, meaning they can check-in using the iPad device by simply scanning their QR code. A touch-less, fast and professional check-in experience. 

We are also very excited to announce that we have a new innovative solution going to be released that will revolutionise the check-in experience for all. Utilising QR codes, non-pre-registered visitors, contractors, pupils, residents and staff, will be able to check-in via their own personal devices. 

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Companion App

The soon to be released e-Reception Book Companion App will provide employees with the ability to check-in (contactless), pre-register visitors and access the fire evacuation mode, directly from their personal mobile devices. It's important to ensure safe social distancing, by minimising waiting times in your reception area. With the Companion App employees will receive instant push notifications, quickly alerting them that their guests have arrived and are waiting in reception. Speeding up the collection process.

Employees who also need to check-in can do so with their mobile phones, no need to touch the iPad screen. The Companion App securely stores staff QR codes for easy access. Simply show the QR code to the iPad camera and you’re checked-in.

Soon to be available on both iOS and Android devices. 

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Attention & Policies

Providing your visitors and staff with information about their safety is critical. With the e-Reception Book's 'Attention' feature you can effectively make individuals aware of important information such as company health and safety policies. Many of our clients have utilised this tool to display essential NHS and WHO guidelines and recommendations. You can also add and customise text and images to communicate your key information.

With the increase of restrictions and COVID-19 based policies, you can ensure these are effectively communicated with visitors attending site. Information can be also be sent to pre-registered visitors before arrival. If required, visitor's can agree or also sign to confirm acceptance of the information provided. 

Here at MediaBase Direct, we will be here to support your facilities return to normal.


Colliers International Testimonial

Watch our latest video promotion here to see the solution in action at Belmont House, a Colliers International facility.